Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bits of My Lifes.

I'm currently online-ING in KFC. And Seow complained that I didn't really post much things in my blog. Okay, since there's some time left, I will just briefly mention about my life, now.

Outfit: White t-shirt and blue jeans
Mood: blue
Why: Happy Father's Day

I wish to go back to Ipoh. But there's not enough reason for me to do so.
Just got back here.
Just starts a new sem.
Just getting more comfortable with hostel's life.
Just broke.

I hav no ideas where's my money gone.
Things are so expensive nowadays.

Though, things are getting weird between me and A.
Never give me a friendly smile.
Nothing but some u-r-cheap-glare-and-stare.
Since when A know that I fancy A so much?

And rumors are spreading wide.
Things about I'm being slutty, sleeping around and such.
Since when people caught me in the bed sleeping with someone else?
I maybe being over nice to you, but I have no idea I slept with you before.
Fuck off.

My homesick is getting serious now.
My wallet is getting empty now.
My A is getting further from me now.

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