Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pass-a-way/ Pass away?

Last night, while we hanging out in shopping mall, SeowYee told us 1 story that i wanna share with u all. The following are said by SeowYee...

That day, I was walking across a narrow crossway in a shopping mall. A group of Malay teens, around the age of 15-19 coming in the opposide direction. When we brush up against each other, the leader of the group suddenly said:

"Ey, can we PASS A WAY???"

Hahahahahahaha...takkan u nak mati, saya tak bagi, kan???

(p/s: no offense to malay anyway)

1 comment:

cendolpulut said...

Well, I guess the English just don't say 'Tumpang lalu'. It's not in their culture. That's why the infamous 'Can I pass away' exist. lol.