Friday, May 1, 2009

i love me

when it comes to fancy someone who you doesn't exists in their available list, what else could make it possible?

by changing what you are? that's ridiculous.

after everything you had put yourself through, you might think that you are fnally becoming available. you are slowly taking everything which you are off, putting on whatever you think to make you appear to be perfect for them. you are fucking out of your mind.

just in case you were unaware: you are fuckingly brainless.

you think they might like you -- the you after all the metamorphic changes. you think by stepping on other's and make yourself stand up, could at least make a little changes. yes. it may.

it may make them hate you more. from neutral to negative. from none to worse. fucking useless, aren't you?

and you start to blame on the environment. you put the blame on the people around you who doesn't give u a hand when you are approaching them. you cry, you scream, you heart broken. so what's next?

they will never give u a fuck. never.

pls. love yourself by accepting who you are. apreciate your body, and your soul, by not mar them to a level that even yourself feel sick to look at them.

move on. as if they never exist in your life.
look forward. as if there's nothing left behind.

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