anyway, outing with frens frm 11 am till nite only back...
celebrate fat mun's bday...whole brunch of gals...wonder where is the guys gone..(perhaps DOTA again lorrrrr)
went to lots of RESTAURANTS.....yes!!is restaurant, not sumwhere else....hahahaha
eat till fat daoooooooooooooooo
saturday wedding dinner summore....dunno how will i look like tat day....hahahhaha
watever la, go back shah alam edi will automatically slim down....i guess>.<
again, pic pic pic~~~
When things getting lame...this is wut we do........>.<
Will only back to ipoh again next month(if i can tahan the homesick larrrrrr>.<)
Love my friends and family a lots, really appreciate times with u all....guess, thats the only thing to keep me going now.Once back to shah alam, i will turn back to a nerdy Anderson and study n study n study again....hope things getting better in da future time when im in australia la...>.<
A meaningless stupid lame soh zai soh poh video....juz watch if u feel u got 48 hours a day....=.=
1 comment:
OMG! I ate a LOT this Hari Raya and I'm gonna be fucking FAT when I get back to INTEC. But no worries, someone else pun akan jadi FAT juga~
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