This is the famous fish head mihun at Tmn Desa....wait like forever only get to hav a seat....lolxxx, who wanna join me next time????

Britney Spears's drink : OXYGENIZER!!!hahahahahaha.....

The present me n my sister bought for my cousin's weeding....cute huh....^^

When trying out the outfits....juz for display purpose...no copyright.....lolxxxx

And i choosed this....lolx

This look lala.....=.=

Dunno why i come out with such expression when choosing location to hav dinner....it just come out.....hahahahahaha

Jamie and me in Yo!Sushi in midvalley...thanks gal for accompany me and get throu the moody dae=)

Steve , Jamie and Anderson....3 cloudy people bumped into a same world at tat dae...and we will keep bump into each other very often^^

Another shot....=)

One of the sushi i like.....

Camwhore during the lesson....who cares???I like mahhhhhh

Madam Salmah treats us for the Raya Special....lolxxxxx

When food are there...no1 can be normal....lolxxxxx

My teammates for the Website Assignment....and these are our rewards for doing the best job!! FOOD!!!!!

Another shot for the pharmacist-to-be...wonder why they make it into a "quan jia fu".....haha
For people who concern bout my life now, I can tell you all: Im doing fantastically well now. In fact, I think this is the life that I had lost long time ago, and I deserved the life Im going throu now.
Btw.....i dyed my hair, just to change a mood....but quite lala>.<
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