*new added*
To Cray:
Some1 in love with some annoymous huh....
Me geh poh geh poh wan know larrrrrrr
and horrrr....
To Jason:
In a relationship with **** edi also dunwan tell lorrrrr
Herng Herng
Tell me more tell me more~~~~~
To ZiHan,
I didnt kao lui laaaaaaa
No need keep spy on my blog loooo-.-
To Vivien,
Ngo yiu hok gong Hokkien...
Gao ngo gong gao ngo gong do D!!!!
To Cho,
My bed very nice to sleep issit??
LaLaZai's bed is very nice d loooooo
and horrrrr
I dunwan ended up at fakulti pendidikan!!!
I wan Melbourne!!
To JY:
Why we cant move to Cemara?
Cuz we love sek 6=.=
To A:
Friday, October 31, 2008
on9 text message
To Benny:
Si BeNnY!!!!
gong wa chubby pulak..bo si gui..
wa mai li.. wa san ki lu diu zai!!!! Gao si lu diu zai wa a li hai..
gao si lu tui bo wui kia..Oblique bian zo wa e de tao....
SIAO hiao poh...-.-
To Fish:
Sorry lorrrrrr
Dunno is they blind or wut edi...
Dare dare say u DENG DENG wor....
Za daooooooo
To Steve:
Dun hope tat he will come back for u again....
U deserve better , ok?=)
And summore horrrrrr
U blind edi=.=
To Azwan:
A comel btul la....
Nyenyak btul neguk A didurrr
Nak didur samanye...X senonoh btul ku ni>.<
Btw horrr...
Im same bus with K-guy juz now....lolxxxxx
To Jamie:
Club club club!!!
After exam hor...
get wild, get sexy, , get naughty, get DIRTY!!!!!!
We are child of BITCHHHHHHHH
Other coming~~~
Si BeNnY!!!!
gong wa chubby pulak..bo si gui..
wa mai li.. wa san ki lu diu zai!!!! Gao si lu diu zai wa a li hai..
gao si lu tui bo wui kia..Oblique bian zo wa e de tao....
SIAO hiao poh...-.-
To Fish:
Sorry lorrrrrr
Dunno is they blind or wut edi...
Dare dare say u DENG DENG wor....
Za daooooooo
To Steve:
Dun hope tat he will come back for u again....
U deserve better , ok?=)
And summore horrrrrr
U blind edi=.=
To Azwan:
A comel btul la....
Nyenyak btul neguk A didurrr
Nak didur samanye...X senonoh btul ku ni>.<
Btw horrr...
Im same bus with K-guy juz now....lolxxxxx
To Jamie:
Club club club!!!
After exam hor...
get wild, get sexy, , get naughty, get DIRTY!!!!!!
We are child of BITCHHHHHHHH
Other coming~~~
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday outgoing^^
Ok, its the first time i update my blog so frequently =)
That's bcuz im at my home sweet home and can access internet unlimitedly mah....hahaa!!
Giving away some pics I took today, and going to reveal my LA LA hair now~~~~
Camwhore with the Len-less spec I grabbed from Sg.Wang....Connie's Version
Yunn's Version....
SeowYee's Version.....
And finally....Anderson's version.....lolxxxxxx
My la la hair....wahahahahahaha, not too obvious in pic , but damn shiny in real=.=
SeowYee and me inside KBox.....
Me and SeowYee in Kopitiam....my restaurant, haha>.<
When camera shacking, beautiful gal can be like this.....-.-
That's bcuz im at my home sweet home and can access internet unlimitedly mah....hahaa!!
Giving away some pics I took today, and going to reveal my LA LA hair now~~~~
Friday, October 24, 2008
As promised2...
For people who concern bout my life now, I can tell you all: Im doing fantastically well now. In fact, I think this is the life that I had lost long time ago, and I deserved the life Im going throu now.
Btw.....i dyed my hair, just to change a mood....but quite lala>.<
As promised....
As I promised in my long-time-ago post, I will now post some of the pictures that I took during my pretty Christine cousin's wedding event. As always, pictures means thousands words and now, I will giving away thousands of words....hehe^^
I doesn't mean to post this pic in such sequence...but since it already happened...so just enjoy it....wakakakakaka....
This is one of the games designed for the "heng dai" gang before they can get the bride..noticed that they required to use the nail on the "bra" to spike on the balloons hanging on the ceiling=.=
Me, my sister and my cousin, Yen during the function....
Me and my mummy....muacksssssss
My cousin, Jean , my mummy and my sister.....
Me and my sister...we searched all over the place only managed to get her outfit....pretty nice huh???
Me, my pretty Christine and my another cousin....
My cousin's family: YuetLee, my aunty and WeiLun....
Dunno why got this pic-.-
Cant stop cam whore even through inside the rest room...lolxxxxx
This is the so-called first dish....=.= Throu got abalone and such la...but still....cant full la!!! Thats why I hate culinary art.....=(
This is one of the games designed for the "heng dai" gang before they can get the bride..noticed that they required to use the nail on the "bra" to spike on the balloons hanging on the ceiling=.=
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Eversince I drank the RedBull on the previous week's monday, I never stop coughing,till now.
Things getting worse, this morning there was blood stain on the tissue paper that I used to cover my mouth when cough.
And I finally updated my blog, just in case sth happened.
Hopefully can recover soon.
If not, pls let me die asap, its tiring=(
p/s: for frens who dun used to the me now, its okay for u all to leave me, Imma be okay.
Things getting worse, this morning there was blood stain on the tissue paper that I used to cover my mouth when cough.
And I finally updated my blog, just in case sth happened.
Hopefully can recover soon.
If not, pls let me die asap, its tiring=(
p/s: for frens who dun used to the me now, its okay for u all to leave me, Imma be okay.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Curtain Finally Closing
The show is over now.
Time for me to wake up,
a real wake up.
p/s: blog posted in mentari court ( edited, okay everyone?)
Think this is a quite famous place for those who used to fall for monkey, shud have numerous number of people tried sex, cock sucking, fucking or being fucked inside, right?
I guess=)
Time for me to wake up,
a real wake up.
p/s: blog posted in mentari court ( edited, okay everyone?)
Think this is a quite famous place for those who used to fall for monkey, shud have numerous number of people tried sex, cock sucking, fucking or being fucked inside, right?
I guess=)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Killing me softly
Whenever I've come back to shah alam, I will be very moody, especially after some long holiday, I will feel so reluctant to go back to this CITY OF ROUNDABOUT, when passed the highway and turn into the road that have the sign of heading to Klang & Shah Alam, part of me will feel wanna bomb myself....why huh??
Okie, now I'll explain why I hate this place so much.
1. No internet connection in my house(sorry but i have to use this word, I dunwan get into any kind of trouble>.<) For me, no internet=no life...throu there some sort of so-called computer lab, but all kind of messenger, friendster, youtube....I really dunno why there's still so many students rushing to there....
2.No chinese food. I feel so bore with my food everyday, the lauk will be the same for 365days, and i slowly become a vegeterian when im here. Okay.....I will be slim down soon, good=.=
3.Whenever I wanna buy anything like shaver, I have to wait until weekends only can get it. Why? Cuz there's no any shops nearby, throu there's 1 kedai runcit here, but the things inside are like things in muzium....i wonder why there's still many people going there....people always miss old thing huh???Till now, my hu zi getting longer n longer, guess is time for me to comb them....
4.I have to do my own laundry, wash my own bottle, cook my own water, lipat my own clothes, make my own drinks in the morning, buy my own fruits. Gosh.....i really hope my mum is always be with me. I dun care what u all say, I am mummy's boy=( I love my mummy....
5.Everytime I feel wanna study, i cannot. Due to the peer pressure all around me. Dunno what's wrong with student here, they all damn clever n seems have no tension at all when comes to study thingy. I can only say: they are born to study, not me:-(
Okay fine, I guess I wont have tat much time to continue bebel...There's some pics during my cousin's weeding that I will upload it soon, stay tune^^
Btw, I'll ended up in Sunway area this weekend....Anyone who wanna ask me out, pls feel free to do so, wakakakakakakakakaka~~~~
Okie, now I'll explain why I hate this place so much.
1. No internet connection in my house(sorry but i have to use this word, I dunwan get into any kind of trouble>.<) For me, no internet=no life...throu there some sort of so-called computer lab, but all kind of messenger, friendster, youtube....I really dunno why there's still so many students rushing to there....
2.No chinese food. I feel so bore with my food everyday, the lauk will be the same for 365days, and i slowly become a vegeterian when im here. Okay.....I will be slim down soon, good=.=
3.Whenever I wanna buy anything like shaver, I have to wait until weekends only can get it. Why? Cuz there's no any shops nearby, throu there's 1 kedai runcit here, but the things inside are like things in muzium....i wonder why there's still many people going there....people always miss old thing huh???Till now, my hu zi getting longer n longer, guess is time for me to comb them....
4.I have to do my own laundry, wash my own bottle, cook my own water, lipat my own clothes, make my own drinks in the morning, buy my own fruits. Gosh.....i really hope my mum is always be with me. I dun care what u all say, I am mummy's boy=( I love my mummy....
5.Everytime I feel wanna study, i cannot. Due to the peer pressure all around me. Dunno what's wrong with student here, they all damn clever n seems have no tension at all when comes to study thingy. I can only say: they are born to study, not me:-(
Okay fine, I guess I wont have tat much time to continue bebel...There's some pics during my cousin's weeding that I will upload it soon, stay tune^^
Btw, I'll ended up in Sunway area this weekend....Anyone who wanna ask me out, pls feel free to do so, wakakakakakakakakaka~~~~
Friday, October 3, 2008
I've really fed up with myself.
I made a promise to myself, wont eat any food from last nite,which is the Thursday nite where I will take bus all the way from Ipoh to Shah Alam, due to the claim of many friends that long time never see me , but see me again when I back to Ipoh last week: "Oh, Adon, u looks more *hang fuk* already huh....Sure live very well in Shah Alam, right????Its time to diet lorrrrrr"
Urggggggggggggggg.....anything wrong with chubby??????
Okies, since everyone unsatisfy with me, I've decided to stop eating or digest any food-----and the plan only start when I have Pizza as dinner, and a basket( used to put dirty clothes in that kind, know???)of sushi as supper......=.=
WELL.....Guess u guys know what happend to me now, huh?
Yes, Anderson is more chubby n clumsy now, like a balloon.
Worse than before back to Ipoh.
No more Ipoh, I will stay in KL until I left bone only back to Ipoh.I promise!
And promise are made to break, as what I usually do:(
I made a promise to myself, wont eat any food from last nite,which is the Thursday nite where I will take bus all the way from Ipoh to Shah Alam, due to the claim of many friends that long time never see me , but see me again when I back to Ipoh last week: "Oh, Adon, u looks more *hang fuk* already huh....Sure live very well in Shah Alam, right????Its time to diet lorrrrrr"
Urggggggggggggggg.....anything wrong with chubby??????
Okies, since everyone unsatisfy with me, I've decided to stop eating or digest any food-----and the plan only start when I have Pizza as dinner, and a basket( used to put dirty clothes in that kind, know???)of sushi as supper......=.=
WELL.....Guess u guys know what happend to me now, huh?
Yes, Anderson is more chubby n clumsy now, like a balloon.
Worse than before back to Ipoh.
No more Ipoh, I will stay in KL until I left bone only back to Ipoh.I promise!
And promise are made to break, as what I usually do:(
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Outing during raya
Today is first day of raya, so-called 大年初一...
anyway, outing with frens frm 11 am till nite only back...
celebrate fat mun's bday...whole brunch of gals...wonder where is the guys gone..(perhaps DOTA again lorrrrr)
went to lots of RESTAURANTS.....yes!!is restaurant, not sumwhere else....hahahaha
eat till fat daoooooooooooooooo
saturday wedding dinner summore....dunno how will i look like tat day....hahahhaha
watever la, go back shah alam edi will automatically slim down....i guess>.<
again, pic pic pic~~~
At first we take out a small cake for her...look how unsactisfactory the fat mun is....=.=(anyway, the pikachu is very cute mahhhhhhhhhh)
Only den we take out the real black forest cake for her....( the words are being suggested by me...生日肥乐,how creative i am......)
We simply put the pikachu on the cake....looks like pikachu was nt really enjoy standing in the middle of croud of insects look chocolate.....hahahhaha, pity daooooooooooo
Then move to Dr.Park......take sum pics la....but mostly deleted by fei Yunn due to her claim that: I look fat and got tummy inside the pics!!!(Sorry yunn....but if u got...how we take the pic also will got....right??????)
Finally find a solution: standing behind me n hide her whole body..........(happy edi onot ler????=.=)

anyway, outing with frens frm 11 am till nite only back...
celebrate fat mun's bday...whole brunch of gals...wonder where is the guys gone..(perhaps DOTA again lorrrrr)
went to lots of RESTAURANTS.....yes!!is restaurant, not sumwhere else....hahahaha
eat till fat daoooooooooooooooo
saturday wedding dinner summore....dunno how will i look like tat day....hahahhaha
watever la, go back shah alam edi will automatically slim down....i guess>.<
again, pic pic pic~~~
When things getting lame...this is wut we do........>.<
Will only back to ipoh again next month(if i can tahan the homesick larrrrrr>.<)
Love my friends and family a lots, really appreciate times with u all....guess, thats the only thing to keep me going now.Once back to shah alam, i will turn back to a nerdy Anderson and study n study n study again....hope things getting better in da future time when im in australia la...>.<
A meaningless stupid lame soh zai soh poh video....juz watch if u feel u got 48 hours a day....=.=
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