Sunday, November 22, 2009

I still remember...

the first day I registered at Cendana, still remember my whole bags of shoes being stoled. 7 pairs.

the first week in Intec, MMS -- that's the time I called JPA and find PM Saadah, asking to leave Ausmat.

the first day wearing formal to class -- I hate that. So hot.

the first time I buy lunch from Ausmat cafe. So freaking long the stupid Q. And the food sucks.

the first time I know many friends from other program.

Jullius, Mike. Okay, it's not that many. Two.

the first time I escaped from Cendana and starts my weekends stays at my friends' place. Clubbing every weeks. Those were the darkest moments in my life.

the first time I make Malay friends. Lots of them.

the first time I miss Ipoh.

the first time I find it weird to talk in Cantonese.

the first time I hate nasi lemak and roti canai.

the first time I study in library.

the first time I perform my prayer sincerely. Everyday.

the first time, I tell others I am a college student. =P

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