Human being is nothing but another animal. Although some might argue that we are different with animals -- in the sense that we were, are the ruler of the Earth, and that should differentiate us with other living organism. But when it comes to our life activities, we are actually nothing different with animals: moving, feeding, mating.
So, why bother to follow what the people in the earlier age set for us, the rules that make them felt they are actually on a higher class of the biology hierarchy? Why should we do something that is against the nature, when there's nothing called monogamy in animals world? Here comes, there goes. It's just that simple. Why should we force ourself to keep to one mate, while we know that we can't make it until the end of our life? Why should we pretend like we are satisfied with the so-called the one which complete your life, when we know that one's life can never be completed with one mate?
People always want vows from their mates: till death do us apart. What happened to those who are seperated, but there's no one's death to be blame on? Again, what keep them apart? There's million of excuses given, but there's only one reason to explain: not suitable. Yes, they are being honest, and instead of keep their marriage for zillions of reasons, they choose one common solution: divorce -- which is absolutely unnecessary for animals. Marriage is redundant, so do divorce. Never start it, and there will be no ending.
With this, I didn't neglect the importance of the role of parents. Yes, they created their successor, and unnaturally, it seems to be their responsibility to raise the children, and give the children all they need in order to grow them up -- from a meatloaf to a complete adult. But yet, it doesn't mean that the parent should give up their right to look for their other mate, that might produce new sparks in their life. Since when, good parenthood = monogamy? And since when, this relationship is always right?
Again, it is the arrogancy of the human nature. We refuse to acknowledge the fact that we are just an animal. And thanks to our arrogance, we lived our life, the life after we met "the one", solely with the urge of responsibility and loyalty to keep us living, and the natural needs of us, the animal side of us, which requires the feed of better mate, are being subsided. Yet, with the arise of the awareness of people nowadays towards the unjust of this social rule that was sadly being set and followed for centuries, more and more people refuse to settle down, more and more married couples divorce, more and more people begin to get behind the ugly side of monogamy. They begin to realise, that had no longer fit in today's society -- correction, it never fit.
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