Another shopping day. Gosh when am I ever gonna stop spending and start earning?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Hey you're broke stop buying
Another shopping day. Gosh when am I ever gonna stop spending and start earning?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Protect me from what I want
People always see me as the playboy, the player, the guy who's always flirt...whatever. And it's really sad. Because that's not who I am. I am a good guy. Really. Even after all the things I've gone through, I am still the me that I first know who I am.
Still looking for the one.
I fall in love easily. Maybe because I was too desperate -- I've been single for too long, and every couple I've known just seems like they want to mess with me. It seems to be too fast to like someone so madly in such a short time. But for me, love is not meant to be directly proportional to the time you've known the person for. When it's there, it's there. Why all the pretending? Why all the hard work, when you know you'll be happy if you're to be with the person?
If that makes me a slut. Fine. I am.
I fall in love easily. But it takes me forever to get over it. I was always the broken hearted one. I always give all my heart, even when I barely know the person. Without knowing that they're gonna make me cry, I smiled sincerely to them. Just because they make me laugh, I've decided to be theirs. And turns out, it just doesn't work that way. People like someone who's playing hard to get. They don't like easy comer. People love challenges, and I am simply too easy to score. They got bored of me. And they're gone. Left me alone. Nothing but a heartless mannequin.
I should have learn from all these drama, shouldn't I? No, I just doesn't seems to have enough of all the shits. Again and again, the same old things keeps on repeating. Over and over again, it's like a cycle -- I don't see the ending. Maybe there's no ending, after all. I guess it's wrong for me for wanting to have a monogamy relationship. People just don't see me that way. I'm the backup plan, I'm the soft pillow, whatever it is -- just not the one.
I'm fucking 20 year old. And I've never had a serious relationship. What the fuck am I supposed to feel? It might be too early for me to thinking to settle down, but I'm so damn tired of all the games. I'm not a gamer, it's too tiring for me. I'm a loser, I want to end this game so badly. I need someone to take me over.
Someone just fucking want me, is it that hard to find the someone?
I want it last. I want it long. I will do whatever it takes to make this work. But please, take me. Take me for who I am. See me for what I am. Listen to what I have to say. And that's it. You can decide whatever you want to do with me. But just take me. I'm sick of having to go to some random parties with no partner. I want someone to miss me when we're not together. Someone to text me telling me what they are doing. Someone to cuddle with me in the cold days. Someone to share the delicious food. Someone to watch the lame movie and laugh at the stupid acts of the actors. Someone to have a long walk along the beach with me. Someone to tickle when I'm bored. Someone to bite when I'm hungry. Someone to scold me when I'm not doing my dishes. Someone to pretend to be entertained by my lame jokes. Someone to love my cooking. Someone to cook for me. Someone for me. Just me.
Protect me from what I want. Because I don't think I'm in my right mind anymore.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sexual Racism

Racism is fundamentally a set of judgements made about a person, not based on how you perceive the person, but based on generalisations you already believe about all people who share their ethnic background or their country of origin.
Racism is unfair, unethical and damaging to both those who do it and those who are its victims. It enforces the myth that we are separate and distinct instead of exclaiming the truth that we are one human people.
Racism is sadly alive and well in how we talk about our sexual and romantic preferences, and sometimes in how we act on them. Racism in the sexual and romantic parts of our lives is what we're calling "sexual racism".
What we don't think about is how it feels for other people to read them. Imagine how it feels to read ad after ad that excludes you based solely on your race. Imagine for a moment, that you were in a minority in the country you were born in and kept reading apparently endless profiles saying you weren't desirable. It just might ruin your day, mightn't it? Do you really want to help make other people feel bad about themselves?
But there's an alternative to this grumpy, negative kind of speech that just makes everyone feel sad and diminished. If we simply make positive, inclusive statements in our profiles, tell people what we do like, and deal politely with people who don't turn us on, we've made a positive change. Try talking about the characteristics you're into, not about the person's race.
No-one has the right to get laid. Most of us can't control quite how we respond sexually or emotionally to another. If something doesn't turn us on, there's not much we can do. Is there? In fact, for most of us our tastes change over our lifetime. Usually, they get broader, sometimes they get narrower. Can you honestly say that you like the same type of people now that you did when you were 17 years old? What can you attribute that difference to other than experience?
Sometimes, we think we're not into one type of guy/girl, but then we meet that one that blows our preconceptions out of the water. Unless, we protect ourselves from ever meeting them. If we never really have opportunities to meet, get to know and get to appreciate people with different kinds of bodies, different looks, different faces, how will we ever know if we could have found them sexy.
Why not check someone out to see if you find them sexy rather than excluding them without even looking? It's racially prejudiced to rule out someone for a job based on their race or to keep them out of a pub. Ruling out someone as a potential partner based on their race is just as prejudiced.
Many people consider that sexual preference simply can't, by definition, be racist. We think that's wrong. Prejudice is prejudice. Racism diminishes us, weakens our community and, let's face it, means that everyone gets laid less and has fewer chances to fall in love. That sucks.

Friday, June 18, 2010
Ugly People