It's Anderson.... Looking better than ever...ok that's not true.
Anyhow, still A.L.I.V.E.
It's almost 2 months time since I've been living in this city. Surprising enough though, I didn't miss home that much, as I thought I will be crying every night and wanting to book the next flight back to Malaysia in the next morning --in fact, I feel numb.
After all, don't every major city in the world look the same? Melbourne and KL, there's no much different --well, KL is more alive, but still, they are kinda have the same pace.
I've grown up so much in this 2 months time. My bro is so gonna be proud of me, as the lil bro is really a man now --technically, I'm still underage. But I think I'm still qualified to be nominated as a Good-man-to-be.
I can cook for myself. And it really doesn't taste bad. I can even tough the raw meat and play around with it. Ew.
I know how to book the flight ticket. Well, this is nothing for many people but I'm not good in internet thing. So, yea, a huge step-forward for me.
Studies hasn't kill much of me. Still coping well. Maybe have been a little too lazy sometimes, but still alive, as I said. Hope the same thing gonna happen for the next 4 years.
Despite some of the bad thing happened--well, only 1, and I don't want to talk about it, I'm gonna get rid of "it" soon --Melbourne has treating me pretty well:
1. Gelato here are so so nice.
2. Spagetti and pizza here are undoubtedly good as well.
3. The weather here are so comfortable and I can never get sweaty. That's so cool when you're running to catch a tram but still looking fresh in the class.
4. Have made some really cool friends from other countries--Hong Kong, Brunei, Philippine, Mainland...and Vietnam. They are so nice and I will never get bored of them, which is something miracle for me, as I can get bored of things really easily. But these people really adorable and yea, I love them as my companions.
But still, I miss Malaysia. My mum, my sis, my grandma, my bro, my bed, my bike, , the shopping mall operating hour, the cheap movie tickets, the oh-so-wonderful bak kut teh and dim sum...everything. But I guess that's part of life, isn't it?
Cheers everyone.